Ranting on a Saturday morning....

March 20 2009, 11:35 PM

I have just finished watching Heart of Greed II Moonlight of Reasonance and it was a pretty good drama series as one can expect from HongKong TVB. Very tears jerking... I sort of watch and watch till 0530Hrs in the morning till I finally gave in to sleep.... Currently, I am watching Gems of Life... just beginning to watch till epi. 8 and its so far so gd... Not really addictive that kind but perhaps its still too early to tell...

Just as I thought Life is getting better and ALL crashed again cos I refused to gave in to her NONSENSE! Sometimes I think she is wonderful the way she is BUT she always wants things to be done the way she wants or says it to be..... Watever!! Whenever I am down nowadays, I will start illusioning and all bad & negative IONS will dissipate and I am all happy again...

I have decided to give $500 to my MOM for grandparents ancestral place or something. I have plotted in to take leave frm 20th - 28th April (at least till 27th) to go learn driving *hoping to pass my basic and adv. theory tests* and to celebrate my birthday in peace....I have been shopping so much recently but when looked into my wardrobe this morning I found I dont really have anything to wear.. Goodness lor... I thought I have been buying clothes so much recently..?? Okiez... peeps its more trips to Cotton On... I asked Declan to follow me cos we stay close toeach other but he wants to go AMK for project...WTH

We went for Hotpot dinner at Bugis on Thursday and its really FUN lahz.....all of us had so much food and spice...YUMYUM! Will definitely go back there again. I am having a super laggy Weekend now... My brother is still in Pakistan and I still havent figure out my RE5... Diaoz!! Sians lorz... My heart and brain tells me to DONT werk anymore but Reality tells me to "Hold On!" Haiz....


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At Werx At werx....

March 13 2009, 10:43 AM

I was surfing the net and found this Personality Test... Tried it and its true.... I am like that... Tho I have been informed I dont look like that most of the time. Everyone!! I am like that!! I feel the reason why some pple have a very cold and hard/ aloof exterior is because most often, they ARE the ones who have gotten hurt before and do not wish to be hurt again thus becoming so. Well... It isn't a good / healthy in some perspective then again we are all human... We have flaws u know!! Haiz!!

Your Personality at 35,000 Feet Is Thoughtful and Contemplative
Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking.

You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are.

Your gift is having a way with words. You know how to express yourself well.

You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you.

It's very easy for you to feel happy. You can find peace with any situation.

I posted a topic in a Forum abt Singaporean Girls being stereotyped as being Materialistic, Snobbish, Arrogant..blahz blahz..I mean the pathetic list could just goes on and on... Personally, I do admit as I have seen with my own eyes SG gers acting as above BUT NOT ALL of us are like that... Its just that those guys didn't have a chance to meet the better / good ones thus pre judged us for their own good!! Its really sad to see how SG gers are shot down by those guys and putting gers frm other countries up high on the pedestal...Perhaps I AM A FEMINIST...But not a hardcore one OKiez!! Well balanced one... I mean WOMEN have come a long way from what they used to be. The shift of responsibility and society expectations internally and externally have evolved as well and pls give them the credits due... Seriously, I DONT feel that ladies frm Country: C/M/V/T/I/P being all good, prim and proper!! Thus GUYS pls dont just categorised us SG ladies just like that!!

Recently, as I was searching on Youtube, I chanced upon clips of M.M LKY on his interviews about how he started as a Politician building Singapore to become what it is today. There was a part which ended with him saying: "...will still serve SG when he is 65 and if something bad happen to SG he will jump out of his grave to solve it" or something very similar, I totally cried bucket loads lahz!

His Vision, Shrewdness, Aggression, Spirit and Leadership made a small dot standout amongst the GIANTS today... Thus before anyone condemn and criticise him, pls asked yourselves if U are able to do and accomplish what he has done with his team. I have always been very proud to be a Singaporean and will DIE proudly as one! It made me even more resolved to outshine myself as a Singaporean when I was studying in Switzerland as pple there thought we dont speak English!! For Godsakes!! Our Educational Level is from Cambridge/Oxford Uni, England!! English was introduced into Singapore as early as 1819 and the Government officially kept English as our working language in 1965...WTH! They thought we have no freaking idea who Stella McCartney was. Before they throw such DUMB and low IQ questions at us, when asked which Airline would you choose to travel by? They wouldnt hesitate even a single bit and answer: Singapore Airlines so I wld like to ask: How can SQ be so famous with the SQ Gers synchronising as the symbol of perfection in terms of Service, Class and Beauty and Singaporeans being thought as SO freaking dumb. Or perhaps they stereotyped us as ASIANs? L.C foreign Humans! Chew on it... I'll be back!!


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Have been on a Shopping Spree Trip recently!!

March 12 2009, 9:59 AM

Okiez...I havent blogged for the longest time..simply becos I have changed my blog's layout and I found it a tad diff. to navigate.... It might be lame but thats how I feel....

I totally know that I should SAVE Big time cos I Might be going to the States at the end of the Yr with cuzzie and I am DEFinitely taking my driving license this Yr but I always succumb to shopping whenever I am out... the last damage was Online shopping and Cotton On....!! WTH!!

I had a chat with Bastian (our last mentor meeting I suppose) and recently by living by Oscar Wilde's "Illusion is the First of ALL Pleasures..." I havent been feeling so uptight and stressed at work.. I guess its good cos otherwise I might be dead before I even know what hits me.... WORK itself havent really improve in some sort of way but I guess I am ignoring it and have openly admitted that I am looking for better opportunities out there while I dont really care if I get a new job or not as I have so many things lined up for me to accomplished on my own... Def. getting my driver's license then maybe finally learn FRENCH. I am lucky as I have savings and while doing the above, I could work part time any where just to get some extra cash to pass time no stress!! Say what u want but I feel that one shldnt be pushing so hard to force oneself to werk werk werk and died a workaholic...Chill.... Thats the mentality that I am having now....

Went to Kuishinbo with Diana the other day and we had loads of fun eating!! Ya!! Eating..!! I LOVE TEMPURA Prawns!! Teppanyaki beef with black pepper!! Oh My forgive me!!! The Calories!! We ended off at Cotton On where I nearly wanted to buy everything i see there... Too bad/fortunately there isnt any boyshorts or cami otherwise the damage might be bigger. I bought 2 spag straps tops, 1 casual dress, 1 cardi and a red and white thin pin stripes shirt. Damage?? SGD$94 I ish a happy ger!! I bought a white babydoll dress at Giordano and online, a black vintage military dress..WOoHoo!!! + RE5 $88 opps b4 i forget a sunglass at Charles and Keith $46. I ish need a doctor to stop me lahz!!! I told myself I AM NOT GONNA SPEND anymore!!! I gotta trsf $300 at least into my savings acc...something like SAYE in addition to the $350 thats being deducted monthly.

My Birthday is coming too.... I got a voucher at Il Lido $200 frm the lucky draw at Wen Spa and I am bringing my bro there cos we both eat like a PIG and so I can be myself rather than eating like a "lady" prim and proper..!! Okiez I know very unglam but who cares thats why I am bringing him!! Other than that I ish feel I ish OLD... Need to make a trip to the Spa soon...Nxt week hopefully!! I need a gd massage for my prematurely old and tired body!!


Karmalady: haha...i can't stop shopping too.... 03-12-09 11:33 AM


December 28 2008, 9:02 AM

I received a piece of shocking news when I met him the other day and cried so much till I am so embarrassed, he had to buy tissue for me... I tried to explained why I took it so hard but I don't know if I related it in the correct way in terms of explanation. Heck it!!! I was feeling out of sorts for the next few days / weeks and got all emotional & teary when I think about it. WHY am I so weak?? Am I defeated now?? Have I been fighting a battle that I meant to lose right from the start? What happened?? Why did I suddenly lose heart? What happen to FAITH? To a point of No Return, I told him I wanted that "choice/alternative/route* whatever you call it and its left pending to an answer that I have been praying for. Please Buddha and Goddess of Mercy - Make it happen for me cos I do not think I can face "Her" anymore...I cry at work, on the way to work, in the toilet, in bed, in dreams, even when Zoning out... It's said, Perhaps in order to be delivered out frm this pain I need to learn and treat "this" with a 'Calm Heart'. Forgive and Accept her for what she is and I will be a happier person. I do understand the latter in principal BUT to be able to live it out technically, PHEW!! its.....

My comp's hard disk crashed and my life w/o internet is DULL...now I am using my Bro's lappie so if he knows, I am DEAD MEAT!! He flew out to Paki this morning and I had a fight with him yesterday cos he ask ed me to fork out $400 to fix the damn thing..WTH..when I gave him money to buy the Desktop he GTDs that all Programs will be genuine and my Windows was a fake one...NB!! I do not know what to say to him siaz...

I worked late shift for X'mas Eve and celebrated it with Pammie, Charmie and Declan at the Bar...It was fun.. I missed Eveie tho we chatted for hours that day. She's coming back for CNY so till then I gotta tough it out so I keep on walking down this lonely road till I meet her. Front Desk's Gift Xchange Declan bought me a P'fumie frm Ferragammo - Shine which I like very much so here it comes:" Strawberry Beng, THANK YOU!!!!" muacks muacks!! I bought him a pair of ultra glam *colourwise* flipflops frm NUM...It will bring him to places safely ..Lolz NY Eve I am also working late shift so I really got No Life in terms of celebration. Its gonna be CNY soon so I really hope I will be able to enjoy this festive to the MAX. I went shopping with my Mom today and we breezed thru Isetan, GAP @ Centrepoint, Topshop,Bebe, Ms. Selfridge, Warehouse and French Connection.. I am looking for dresses and saw 2..1 is a Purplish Blue Babydoll dress at Topshop @ $110 and a Black with pleats at the front dess tied to the waist at Warehouse I think that was $129...Dunnoe how if I should buy. Its SALE everywhere and thus so annoying cos pple are crawling at the clothes like as if there is no tomorrow..I hate that...Its a Turn OFF!!

We will see how things goes....I will be back to cry soon Stay Tuned!!



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Last night

December 7 2008, 8:34 AM

Well, as promised, we went to Dim Joy for Brunch today and we all had loads of fun and good food. My parents were happy. The day past too fast for us..I want more as all of us were in a Super Good mood today.I have finished the 4th book - Breaking Dawn and I cried so much for Jacob more than anyone else.. I am glad she had given him Nessie in return and his love is so unconditional right till the end. "He" will only exist in a tale meant to be kept in all our hearts for some time.

I went to mom's salon for a facial today as I think I really need it...I havent been there for one maybe in 2 years time...?? My face feels so light now and "Sinless" Lolz...

Tomorrow is another day...Can tonight not end just like this...I havent had the chance to fully savour every second that I have today. Festive seasons all round the corner but I have no money to lavish on my loved ones... I hope its the "Thought that Counts" this time round..



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  • 27 years old


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Last update Apr 3, 2009
