Ranting on a Saturday morning.... (go back »)

March 20 2009, 11:35 PM

I have just finished watching Heart of Greed II Moonlight of Reasonance and it was a pretty good drama series as one can expect from HongKong TVB. Very tears jerking... I sort of watch and watch till 0530Hrs in the morning till I finally gave in to sleep.... Currently, I am watching Gems of Life... just beginning to watch till epi. 8 and its so far so gd... Not really addictive that kind but perhaps its still too early to tell...

Just as I thought Life is getting better and ALL crashed again cos I refused to gave in to her NONSENSE! Sometimes I think she is wonderful the way she is BUT she always wants things to be done the way she wants or says it to be..... Watever!! Whenever I am down nowadays, I will start illusioning and all bad & negative IONS will dissipate and I am all happy again...

I have decided to give $500 to my MOM for grandparents ancestral place or something. I have plotted in to take leave frm 20th - 28th April (at least till 27th) to go learn driving *hoping to pass my basic and adv. theory tests* and to celebrate my birthday in peace....I have been shopping so much recently but when looked into my wardrobe this morning I found I dont really have anything to wear.. Goodness lor... I thought I have been buying clothes so much recently..?? Okiez... peeps its more trips to Cotton On... I asked Declan to follow me cos we stay close toeach other but he wants to go AMK for project...WTH

We went for Hotpot dinner at Bugis on Thursday and its really FUN lahz.....all of us had so much food and spice...YUMYUM! Will definitely go back there again. I am having a super laggy Weekend now... My brother is still in Pakistan and I still havent figure out my RE5... Diaoz!! Sians lorz... My heart and brain tells me to DONT werk anymore but Reality tells me to "Hold On!" Haiz....


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  • 27 years old


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