Last night (go back »)

December 7 2008, 8:34 AM

Well, as promised, we went to Dim Joy for Brunch today and we all had loads of fun and good food. My parents were happy. The day past too fast for us..I want more as all of us were in a Super Good mood today.I have finished the 4th book - Breaking Dawn and I cried so much for Jacob more than anyone else.. I am glad she had given him Nessie in return and his love is so unconditional right till the end. "He" will only exist in a tale meant to be kept in all our hearts for some time.

I went to mom's salon for a facial today as I think I really need it...I havent been there for one maybe in 2 years time...?? My face feels so light now and "Sinless" Lolz...

Tomorrow is another day...Can tonight not end just like this...I havent had the chance to fully savour every second that I have today. Festive seasons all round the corner but I have no money to lavish on my loved ones... I hope its the "Thought that Counts" this time round..



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  • 27 years old


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